Thursday, 5 June 2014

Dark Roads - Heartbreak Notes series - 2a

January, 28 January 1991

Nash slouched in his seat, it was the first day of intermediate school, the two years of in-between. It was after primary school and before high school. He hated having to wear a uniform. The black polishable shoes were the worst; he wanted to wear his summer favourites: jandals... but nooooooooo stupid black polisable tie up shoes. He hated tie up shoes.
There was some activity in the doorway, and two familiar faces were led in to the room by the schools principle. Nash straightened and lifted his fingers in a little wave. Their expressions went from bored to almost happy. They waved back.

The principle and his new teacher had a brief discussion before the principle left and the teacher turned to the class. “It appears we have two new students in our class this is Miles,” and the teacher pointed to Ivy, and then Miles. “And this is Ivy.”

“Sir, you got their names wrong, can they sit with me?” Nash spoke up, rolling his eyes, and pointing to the two empty seats, Casper was in a different class, and Judd was in high school.

“I was about to ask who would like to show them around, but then you are all new, but yes. Nat, no, no that’s not right, Nick...” the teacher struggles to remember his name, and to Nash and Miles surprise Ivy giggled, tugged in the teachers ear and said something quietly to her.

“Ahh, that is right, Nash, your name is Nash,” the teacher smiled at him, when he just stared at her, she cleared her throat. “Very well then, Miles, Ivy, take the desks with your friend.”

The three of them clasped hands before Ivy and Miles sat down, putting their school bags on the back of their chairs. To Nash’s way of thinking: the school year just got a thousand times better. And his grin at his friends said just that.

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