Saturday, 22 October 2011

Writing a novel in a month - can I do it?

Hey all;
So some of you know this already some of you don't. I have joined National Novel Writing Month this year. It kicks off on the 1 November. I am still tossing up between Angels Blood and Wraths Destroyer. The goal is to write 50 k in 30 days. As a rule I am a write as the idea comes to me, but I think I may need to write a basic outline, have some world building done and character development. I will need to interview my characters to see how they fly so keep your eye open of that.
Some obstacles that I can see are: loosing motivation half way through. Not being able to decide which story to write. Getting my teeth out halfway through the month.
Positives: it will be book 2 in either The Children of the Curse or Wraths Fury series, it will be a full novel 50k that's nothing to sneeze at. Once completed it will be another product to add to my collection woot woot.
Am I nervous: of course I am. Can I do it? Hell yeah. Do I have support? you betcha I do. Oh and I have challenged a couple of friends to do it with me. If they do accpect then it will keep me motivated :D because I am that sort of person - I like to be challenged!!!
All of you who are doing NaNo best of luck, I am excited to be doing it this year. I have wanted to do it since it started way back when....

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