Sunday, 4 March 2012

Xoe Mackenzie

Close up of Xoe Mackenzie
Hi I am Xoe Mackenzie you will get to know me in the Heatbreak Guitar stories. I play guitar and used to be lead guitar for the Hellcats. Now I am focusing on finding out what I want to do with the future. I have been idaling for a while now. But have started to find my way since I have been back in Kendra. But I will let you read about that, I won't spoil my story for you.

Xoe's Clothing Style
Over on my author's Cindy Hargreaves facebook page you will find more pictures of me over the next few weeks. I might even be having a photo shoot for a local designer, go me. So go on and like the page then you will be notified when my pictres go live.

Besides playing the guitar I love my red convertible and I have found that I love running along the wet sand of the beach outside my beach house. You never know what you are going to stumble across on the beach (I chuckle at the memory). I also like and sit and watch the rock pools they are so busy.

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