Enrolled in Introduction to Public Relations
*Starts biting nails* Ok so today I bit the bullet and enrolled in my next paper and I am adamate that I will not get a student loan to pay for it. So I have decieded that my Psorsias and You skin condition guide will pay for it. It is only NZD $3.70 and you can buy it here. It tells you all about Psoraisias and how to care for the skin.
$3.70 NZD PDF Psoriasis and You. Within hours, if not right away you will get emailed a link to download this eBook.
The Introduction to Public Relations will be beneficial and practical to my business Paranormal Door Publishing and it is a stepping stone on my way to my Communication Major.
Sooo I have just over 4 weeks to sell 237 copies of Psoraisas and You, of which I have to date only sold one on Amazon.co.uk. But I can do this....
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