Wednesday, 2 May 2012

My EDUCATION fund an update 2 May 2012

Hello beautiful people; how are you on this clear sunny but cold day?

As promised I am keeping you updated on my education progress. I have raised $10 of the $710 required by 29 June 2012. Personally I would like this by 31 May 2012. And that is exactly what I am aiming for. I only have 241 ebooks to sell and I am there.

[Updated at 7.24 pm 2 May 2012]
Now you can make a donation via PayPal using your account or credit card.

I am thinking about doing an extra paper in term 2 but only if I raise the money in time. So that will be Introduction to Public Relations and ... well something else. Term 3 I will be going full time... well that is the plan at this stage. But if I am going to do that I need the funds by July. And then next year courses by the end of October so that I can enrol in whatever course on 1 November 2012.

But lets not get ahead of ourselves, my first priority is paying for the paper I have enrolled in. $710 / 5 weeks of may = $142.00 of which I have $10.00. It is a start and I am happy, but I need do some serious work to achieve my goal.

You can buy the skincare guides here. Thank you in advance for helping me achieve my dreams and aspirations.

XXX Cindy

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